Web Analytics


Professional Installation on hosting account or server


If hosting accounts, servers and php scripts aren't your thing, then our support department can install affiliate-admin for you. We will install, test and setup an example affiliate account to get you up an running quickly.

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QR Codes Add-On


This plugin allows you to offer QR Codes to your affiliates to use in their marketing efforts. QR Codes are auto-created for each marketing group and have each affiliate's link embedded in it. When used, the customer who scans the QR Code will be taken to your website (through the affiliates link), very similar to clicking on a banner or text link.

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SEO Links Add-on


This plugin is designed to allow all your external affiliate links to benefit your search engine ranking by using short, search engine friendly links. Using this plugin you can even have Affiliate-Admin installed on a completely different domain than your main website and links will still point into your main website

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Geo Targeting Add-on


Define alternate incoming traffic pages, based on the geographical location of the visitor. This plugin also allows you to have the visitors Country appended to all incoming traffic pages as well. So you can do either/or... deliver traffic to alternate pages based on Country.

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Custom File Name Add-On


This plugin allows you to alter the default incoming traffic filename from affiliate-admin.php to whatever you'd like it to be named. This feature modifies ALL links for ALL marketing materials.

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Social Media Marketing Add-on


This plugin allows you to create Social Media Platforms content that your affiliates can use directly from their affiliate account. All affiliates need to do is login and they can instantly share the content you create for them.

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Discount Coupons Add-on


This plugin allows affiliates to request a Discount Coupon Code from you. The affiliate can request a specific coupon code which you can then approve or decline. This helps to create a more personalized experience for the affiliate and customer.

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SmartLinks Add-on


Smartlinks are simple. The SmartLink feature allows you to set multiple banner destination URLs for each banner. A Smartlink helps you to utilize the traffic without wasting it. Using this URL, you can redirect traffic based on geolocation, device, and other targeting options.
With Smartlinks, an offer is selected for each user who follows the referral link individually. Ads are selected automatically based on the referral link. In other words, SmartLinks are affiliate links that do not point to one specific product. 

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Referral tracking by IP Add-on


Every customer that joins a referral program receives a unique referral link. Referrals that come from a single customer are tracked through this link. This allows you to see which customers sent referrals to your website and which of those referrals turned into sales.
What it means is that you collect data across the entire referral process, from a customer registering to your site/program and becoming a referrer, to them sharing a referral link/code with someone else. This person can then follow this link/code to become a customer or perform any other action, like downloading your app, for example.

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